Beyond the Badge
Collecting the History of Girl Guides
Recently, I’ve been enjoying collecting for my vintage Girl Guides of Canada collection. Since I have less to do over Covid, I thought I would give a collection tour of some of my favorite items over blog posts. Although badges and crests are iconic to the movement, I instead want to use this space to talk about other types of Guide memorabilia.
I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the support!
Special thanks to Megan M. and Kathryn G. who edit many of these blogs posts.
**Historical Language Advisory**
Certain parts of the ‘Beyond the Badge may contain historical language and content that may age in a way that some may consider offensive. Most of this blog was written in 2020-2022 and before the change of the old branch name to Ember. I’m currently waiting on guidance from Girl Guides of Canada on how to address the name change in historical writing.
Guiders who choose to share it with their unit should use caution and do further research to make sure it still follows Girl Guides of Canada’s Inclusivity and Accessibility policies.
This blog was created by a volunteer and is not officially affiliated, endorsed or sponsored by Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada.