A note about my Historical Writing

My blog ‘Beyond the Badge-Collecting the History of Girl Guides’, started as a lockdown project when I was unemployed during Covid and became an incredibly important part of maintaining my mental health as it gave me something to put my energy and passion into. This blog looked at the history of different parts of the movement through its memorabilia. Although I don’t have as much time to write, I think about it often.
In 2023, Girl Guides of Canada (GGC) made an important name change of their second youngest branch (ages 7-8) from Brownies to Embers. Brownies are the helpful Scottish creatives of myth and legend. Many members grew up proud to be Brownies. The old term will always be part of Girl Guides of Canada’s history but it is now recognized that the old branch name has caused harm to some members and has unintentionally created a barrier for some new members to join. The new name comes with the same promise of continuing to keep Guiding a welcoming place to all.
As a current and lifelong member, I love the new name. It is amazing to see an organization that cares so much about supporting its new and current youth members. As a historian, I have used the old name throughout my writing and feel that I need to be accountable to the Canadian community that I love writing for as I would hate for this blog to cause harm to others.
Here are the steps I am taking to address the name change…
Over the next two years, I plan to review all 20 of my Girl Guide of Canada blogs. I will limit the use of the old branch name and add context to the term when needed.
I have joined the waitlist for the 2023 Fall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training offered by GGC to its adult members.
I emailed GGC and asked for their guidance on how to address the name change in historical writing.
I have created a **Historical Language Advisory** which has been added to the homepage of ‘Beyond the Badge’ and its Facebook page.
I have talked to other members about the name change and will stay committed to listening and learning.
I thank you for your support and appreciate your patience as I slowly address the name change in my work. A special thanks to my friend Wendy for her insight and guidance while writing this post.
Yours in Guiding,